Bomb Explosion In Kabul Targets One Member Of Parliament, Nine Killed Unless Targeted

JAKARTA - A bomb was detonated in the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul. The attack targeted a member of the DPR. Nine people died. Meanwhile the DPR member survived.

The DPR member, Khan Mohammad Wardak, was injured along with 20 other people. Some of the victims were women and children.

Afghan Interior Minister Massoud Andarabi said Sunday that the authorities were investigating the attack. There is not much information that explains the incident.

Andarabi said it was not clear whether the bomb was planted in a car parked on the route the DPR member passed or if the bomb was planted in the car that the bomber detonated. No group has yet claimed the attack.

What is clear is that in recent weeks, the number of terror acts in Afghanistan has increased, particularly bomb attacks. The act of terror took place amid peace negotiations between the Afghan government and the Taliban. The two met to end a civil war that has lasted nearly 20 years.

Bomb attacks were also reported in Logar, Nangarhar, Helmand and Badakhshan Provinces on Sunday, December 20. Several people died and were injured as a result of the explosion.

Earlier, the bomb attack in Ghazni Province on Friday, December 18 left 15 people dead, 11 of whom were children. The Afghan Interior Ministry, in a written statement, said the Taliban was responsible for the deaths of 487 civilians in the past three months.

The Taliban are believed to have carried out 35 suicides and 507 bomb attacks across the country, injuring 1,049 people.