Former KSAU Agus Supriatna Sudah 5 Kali Mangkir Di Pengadilan, Kenapa Jaksa Tak Call Paksa?

The KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) has not been able to present the KSAU for the 2015 - February 2017 period Agus Supriatna as a witness at the trial.

"For Agus Supriatna, we have communicated with the Indonesian Air Force's Discom (Law Office) and have not received any information from the Indonesian Air Force Diskum regarding the position in question, then Supriyanto Basuki is the same as Agus Supriatna," said KPK prosecutor Arif Suhermanto at the Corruption Court, Monday, December 19.

Agus Supriatna has been asked to attend 5 times at trial, namely at trial 21 and 28 November, 5, 12 and 19 November 2022 as a witness for the accused Director of PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri Irfan Kurnia who was charged with corruption in the procurement of AgustaWestland (AW) 101 Indonesian Air Force transportation which cost the state finances Rp738.9 billion.

Apart from Agus, there were four witnesses who had been summoned to trial more than three times but were not present, three of them were Indonesian Air Force personnel.

The Indonesian Air Force personnel are Fransiskus Teguh Santosa Secretary of the Air Force Procurement Service (Sesdisada) of the Indonesian Air Force who also serves as Head of the Procurement Service Unit (ULP) and Chair of the Transportation Helicopter Procurement Committee; Heribertus Hendi Haryoko as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) who has the main duties and authorities, among others, stipulates plans for the implementation of the TNI Alutsista Procurement which includes Technical Specifications of the TNI Alutsista and Self Estimated Prices (HPS); and Supriyanto Basuki as Assistant for Planning and Budget (Asrena) KASAU TNI AU for the 2015 - February 2017 period.

"For witnesses Fransiskus Teguh Santosa and Heribertus Hendi Haryoko, we have made a summons, but Fransiskus this morning confirmed that his condition was still 'nge-drop' while for Heribertus in Malang he was sick until the 20th, we offered a 'zoom' from home but the person concerned said it was impossible," added prosecutor Arif.

Meanwhile, one witness from the civilian circle was Angga Tungggaran as a staff member of the Finance Department of PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri.

"For Angga Munggaran, a summons is still being made to the person concerned. The letter was sent to Bogor and received by his wife but we did not meet directly with the person concerned," said prosecutor Arif.

For the submission of the KPK prosecutor, the chairman of the panel of judges, Djumyanto, also said that this was only the reason for the witnesses.

"If every trial schedule is sick, it's a seasonal pain, but what can we do if this is the risk that our summons must be fulfilled. Yesterday the panel actually conveyed that it was an obligation witness, the substance is that it already knows that the formality problem according to the KPK prosecutor has been fulfilled, repeatedly every time the trial is always the reason for illness, this will be the next precedent," said Djumyanto.

The panel of judges, according to Djumyanto, gave one more trial so that the KPK prosecutors could present witnesses.

"Like the panel of judges, we have said that we will be patient until one time the next trial, the KPK will present witnesses. If we arrive at the trial we cannot attend, is it permissible for the assembly not to look for witnesses here and there," said Djumyanto.

Moreover, if the KPK prosecutor has properly summoned, then according to Djumyanto, the KPK prosecutor can make a forced summons.

"If the valid reason for the summons has been fulfilled, just summon it, and if you become a civilian, do it according to the existing law, but return to the public prosecutor as the party that presented the witness, we will give you another one week," added Djumyanto.

In today's trial, the KPK only presented one expert in calculating state losses, namely Kiki Fauziah as Head of the KPK Accounting Forensic.

In the indictment, it was stated that the Command Fund (DK/Dako) was intended for the Chief of Air Force Staff (KASAU) for the 2015-2017 period Agus Supriatna worth IDR 17.733 billion from Irfan Kurnia. This amount is 4 percent of the phase 1 payment for PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri, which is worth IDR 436.689 billion from the total payment of IDR 738.9 billion.