It's Called The Terrorists Who Have LOST Their Direction: Terrorist If Jusrified By Murtad's Heart, It's Halal His Life

JAKARTA - Former terrorism convict (napiter), Kholis invites his colleagues who are still falling into radical sects to return and be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia.

"For friends who have not fallen or who have fallen, if you really want to study Islam, study with Ustaz-ustaz who are indeed experts in their fields," he said in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Monday, December 19.

Kholis said this after the National Gathering between Forkompimda Banyumas and the former Napiter/Mitra Deradicalization held by the Military District Command 0701/Banyumas at the Banyumas Regency DPRD Building.

According to him, ustaz-ustaz who are experts in their fields in those who really understand the teachings of Islam and not on the basis of their own personal interpretation.

"For those who have been involved, it's good, we are both building our Republic of Indonesia together. However, this (NKRI, ed.) is our big house," said the man from Cibereum Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas.

Kholis, who was caught in Poso until finally serving a prison sentence of 4 years and 3 months at the Kupang Penitentiary, admitted that until now outside there are still many hard people hanging around.

"That's why it looks like I myself met you, so I'm sorry if it can be channeled. It's really scary that the term is like that," he explained.

According to him, this was because the former convicts who had pledged allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia were also targets, not only people who sat in government.

In fact, he and other ex-convicts were sentenced to being infidels by terrorist perpetrators who were still active.

"Because we know how real it is in the field. If they justify someone as an infidel, halal their life to be killed, there is no sin for them," he said.

Kholis also advised the media crew to make news because if the news was judged unfair by terrorist groups, it was possible that journalists would also be their targets.

Another former convict, Sidik, admitted that he was grateful that he was arrested by the security forces and served a sentence, so that he did not go too far or fall further.

"Alhamdulillah, I was arrested, then there was coaching," said he, who served a sentence of 3 years and 4 months and several times moved from Mako Brimob, Gunung Sindur Prison, Bogor, until finally in Besi Prison, Nusakambangan Island, Cilacap.

He admitted that he was not directly involved in the terrorist network. However, he was also arrested along with one of his colleagues who stopped at his house, Pasir Lor Village, Karanglewas District, Banyumas.

According to him, his friend was involved in terrorism cases and war games in the Philippines.

"I was arrested because I was considered to know but did not report. Because I wanted to accommodate it, it means the same thought," he explained.

Sidik said he was grateful because of the guidance and assistance from related parties, so that it could be accepted by the community after being released from punishment.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Banyumas Regency DPRD, Budhi Setiawan, hopes that former convicts who have returned to the fold of the Republic of Indonesia and are aware of what they have done so far can be an example for their friends who are still involved in terrorism networks.

"We consider these former convicts to be conscious people, invite their friends," he said.

The national gathering was filled with discussions between former convict, Chairman of the Banyumas Regency DPRD Budhi Setiawan, and Banyumas Regent Achmad Husein. Citizens : Sumarwoto