Although The Large Budget For KCJB Development Incurs An Accident, It Must Be Immediately Evaluated Completely

JAKARTA - Commission V of the House of Representatives asked the National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT) and the National Police to investigate construction train accidents, between employee trains and technical trains on the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Rail (KCJB) project in Cempaka Village, Campakamekar Village, West Bandung Regency (KBBB), West Java, Sunday, December 18. The commission in charge of land, sea and air transportation has regretted the many accidents during the construction of this KCJB project. Starting from the explosion of pertamina pipelines, the collapse of one of the buffer poles, to a technical train accident that occurred yesterday. According to eyewitnesses, the accident began when the green employee train was traveling at high speed from the direction of Padalarang to Jakarta. Meanwhile, the newly installed rails reached Cempaka Village, Campakamekar Village, West Bandung Regency (KBB), West Java. It is suspected that this incident failed to make a braking, the employee train shot out the track along approximately 200 meters from the end of the rail then hit a yellow technical train that was outside the railroad. The police stated that this accident resulted in a number of workers who were carrying out activities at the location of the incident being hit. Currently, the National Police is still collecting data on how many victims died and injured victims for this deadly incident. "We ask the KNKT and the Police to work together in conducting investigations, because this incident is included in a transportation accident," said a member of Commission V DPR RI, Suradi Jaya Purnama, Monday, December 19. He emphasized that PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) must be responsible for the incident. It is known, PT KCIC is also still carrying out the investigation process. "PT. KCIC needs to be responsible for the occurrence of this accident and in the future always implementing aspects of Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SHE) in every work activity so that work accidents can be avoided," he stressed.

The PKS legislator revealed that this Chinese-made high-speed train is claimed to have a high security system including the Disaster Monitoring Center, Disaster Monitoring Terminal, and others.

But the reality, said Suryadi, was that in June 2022 there was a high-speed train in China that had an accident that killed 1 driver and injured 8 people. "We ask for a thorough evaluation of the KCJB project, because carelessness in making fast train planning has been proven to cause cost overruns to increase to US 1.449 billion dollars or Rp. 21.74 trillion," he said. Commission V of the DPR, added Suryadi, also encourages PT. KCIC to really ensure the feasibility and safety of this KCJB taking all aspects into account. "Don't add to other carelessness, especially later when KCJB is operating commercially. Because at speeds up to 350 km/hour, it has the potential to cause very many casualties if an accident occurs," he concluded.