Not Wanting To Be Missed Regarding Price Games Ahead Of Christmas, The Ternate Intensive Police Conducts Supervision

Ternate Police, North Maluku (Malut) intensively supervises the hoarding of various basic food needs and food availability ahead of Christmas and New Year celebrations in this area."The Task Force team will continue to monitor and anticipate hoarding various food needs, because before religious holidays, of course, there is a price game carried out by irresponsible persons," said Ternate Police Chief, AKBP Andik Purnomo S in Ternate, Antara, Sunday, December 18.Therefore, his party will continue to monitor the availability of food and intensively coordinate with local governments, in supporting food availability ahead of Christmas and New Year's 2023.In addition, in the momentum of celebrating this religious holiday, his party hopes that the Ternate City Government and various parties can support the existence of cheap markets and market operations by selling various basic food and food needs at low prices, so as to reduce the increase in the price of goods.Meanwhile, the Ternate City Industry and Trade Office acknowledged that until now, the prices of various food and basic necessities for the community, especially for residents who will celebrate Christmas, are still being met.Meanwhile, the Ternate City Class II Harbormaster and Port Authority Office (KSOP) will prepare six post points to support the preparation of the flow ahead of Christmas and New Year's (Nataru) 2023 holidays.Head of the Traffic and Sea Transportation Section (KSOP) of Ahmad Yani Ternate Port, Plening stated that his party has prepared six command posts and the main command post is at KSOP Ahmad Yani Port and there will be personnel being prepared at Bastiong Port, Mangga Dua Ant Port, and Dufa-Dufa Port."KSOP has held coordination meetings with several stakeholders in the context of preparation for Nataru and KSOP Ternate involving all relevant stakeholders, for monitoring posts we coordinate with the National SAR Agency, Water and Air Police, Navy, Ternate Police, and shipping line such as Pelni," he said.He said, in monitoring community activities ahead of the upcoming 2023 Christmas and New Year celebrations, a feasibility inspection will be carried out and inspection of the shipping safety system to prevent ship accidents.