Archive Documents Digitally, The Ministry Of Trade Orders Apps To Not Me

JAKARTA The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) is said to have released the "Note Aku" application as part of administrative digitization, particularly related to the function of filing and documentation governance within the government.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Trade Suhanto said archival digitization is important in strengthening more accountable reference references and is expected to be able to support the strengthening of Indonesia's negotiating position with partner countries.

"The web application Notes Aku will contain a number of accountability notes containing the development and consideration of positions in the formulation of international trade agreements," he said in a written statement on Sunday, December 18.

Suhanto also explained about the regularity test in the process of drafting the draft regulation of the Minister of Trade. To facilitate the process of conducting a fit test, a technical instruction is also mandated.

"The fit test is an effort by the Ministry of Trade in order to mitigate the possibility of trade disputes and respect the commitment of the Indonesian government to various international agreements for the creation of a stable and conducive business climate," he said.

Suhanto added that the results of the fit test did not only provide an early warning for the Indonesian government for the possibility of negative reactions from the governments of other countries, but also provided space for communication strategies in packaging the government's official narrative.

Moreover, he continued, if there is a trade policy that intersects with commitments in the international trade agreement.

"It is hoped that these efforts can also be considered by other ministries/agencies in the same spirit to create more accountable government administration and contribute to maintaining stable interaction in the international community," said Suhanto.

In addition to the need for implementation, the information contained in the accountability note is expected to provide a reference for understanding in the preparation of the position of negotiating the next international trade agreement.

Meanwhile, if there is a dispute over various commitments and provisions stipulated in the agreement, the information in the accountability note is expected to enrich the defense by providing a comprehensive picture of the party's will towards a commitment.

The accountability record document that was first stored in Memorat Aku was the Indonesia-United Arab Emirates (UAE) Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) negotiations as the first CEPA to be included after the enactment of Permendag No. 7 of 2021.