New Cases Of COVID-19 In Jakarta 1,899, This Is The Explanation Of The DKI Jakarta Health Office

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is talking about a record 1,899 additional confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 which were released today. According to him, this was due to the delay in reporting one of the state-owned laboratories in the past week.

"However, the total addition of positive cases was 1,899 cases, because there were accumulated data of 703 cases from 1 BUMN Hospital laboratory, the last 7 days were just reported," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control, DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office, Dwi Oktavia. written statement, Saturday, December 19.

Based on data from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Health Service, Dwi said, his party had conducted PCR tests of 15,984 specimens. Of these, 13,582 people were tested for PCR today to diagnose new cases with a positive result of 1,196 and 12,386 negative.

Meanwhile, the total PCR test rate per 1 million population was 179,995. Meanwhile, the number of people tested for PCR in the past week was 95,604.

The number of active cases in Jakarta has increased by 772 cases. So that the number of active cases to this day who are still being treated or isolated is 13,385 people. Meanwhile, the total number of Confirmation cases in Jakarta to date is 161,519 cases.

"Of the total number of cases, 145,066 people were declared to have recovered with a cure rate of 89.8 percent, and a total of 3,068 people died with a death rate of 1.9 percent, while Indonesia's death rate was 3 percent," he said.

The positivity rate or percentage of positive cases in the past week in Jakarta was 9.8 percent, while the percentage of positive cases in total was 8.4 percent. WHO also sets the standard for the percentage of positive cases of no more than 5 percent

In the re-application of the Transitional PSBB, said Dwi, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government suggested that people wishing to enter the Jakarta area to carry out self-examination for COVID-19 through JakCLM on the JAKI application.

Through JakCLM, said Dwi, the public can find out about the risks of COVID-19 and get various health recommendations according to the risks they have. The community contribution in filling the JakCLM can help the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to prevent the spread of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta.