HPN 2023 The Word Atal S Depari Must Be ABLE To Help The Host Prepare The 2024 PON

JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Atal S Depari, said that National Press Day which will be held in North Sumatra Province must be able to explore preparations for the host of North Sumatra together with DI Aceh to hold the 2024 National Sports Week (PON).

"In this event, how should we raise regional problems, frankly, North Sumatra has no preparations to hold PON, even though there are only two years left," said Atal S Depari when opening the Discussion on the Penumpuan Group (FGD) 'Strategy of North Sumatra and Aceh Increasing Sports Achievement and Regional Economic Awakening' which was held at the Aston Kartika Hotel, Friday, December 16.

Atal S Depari hopes that there will be discussions with the Governor. "We state that North Sumatra has not moved, therefore, we will share the results of discussions whose peak is in HPN later, we will encourage North Sumatra to improve ahead of the PON. Therefore, we want to know North Sumatra's readiness, reflected in the readiness of facilities, until now we have not seen any construction of facilities, so that PON is released on time, even if it is postponed by at most 2025, we hope that this must be successful and run, not only campaigning, not preparing itself," said Atal S Depari.

Atal S Depari juga menyampaikan HPN nanti, akan mengangkat tema yang penting untuk nasional dan Sumut, yakni penyelenggaraan PON. "Semoga saran dari sini, bisa bermanfaat untuk mempercepat proses persiapan PON di Sumut," kata Atal S Depari.

Appearing as a source at this FGD event, Deputy I Chairman of the Central KONI, Suwarno said that this PON is not only for sports but contains the content of national unity and unity.

"We have just talked about increasing national resilience, how do we get potential athletes to appear at the international level. In addition, then related to how we organize PON, of course we must uphold the principle of success in organizing, successful achievements and the economy," explained Suwarno accompanied by the Head of Bina Achievement of the Central KONI Gugun Yudinar.

In addition, Suwarno acknowledged that it must also be considered in the field of matches that are the whole area of PON.

"The game is all over, the formula is the sport that will be competed, North Sumatra invites Aceh to choose the sport. We as mediators set 33 sports in North Sumatra and 32 in Aceh. After that, we formulated the number played, we talked about the number 1032 match numbers, now there are still those who want to add more, even though the Koni team has been signed," he explained.

Suwarno said, after the quota was determined, after that it was finished. "We invite all the Provincial and Sports KONIs, formulate a match system. Next year is the National Sports Week (PON) Qualifics round," he said.

Returning to coordination, infrastructure preparation, according to Suwarno, his party wants not to build much, which is repaired, but Gunernur North Sumatra wants to utilize 300 Ha land by building sports centers and business centers.

"Ingin bekerja sama luar negari sebagai investor. Kita komentari, Povinsi tidak bisa langsung menerima investaso dari luar negeri karena harus mendapat izin dari Kementerian Keuangan RI," kata Suwarno.

Referring to the construction of stadiums at PON Aceh and North Sumatra, the Director of Strategic Infrastructure of the Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR, Essy Asiah said that PUPR was grateful that the province declared itself ready to hold the PON title.

"Everything should be ready, including building a stadium, because we build a stadium that must be in accordance with international standards, because once there is a record-breaking, of course it will not be recorded in the official sports parent," explained Essy Asiah.

After the stadium was declared to meet international standards, Essy Asiah admitted, of course the maintenance costs were very expensive.

"Usually we need building maintenance, we don't want the assumption that PUPR is only building, but the maintenance is not considered, even though the construction has been completed we have submitted it to the local government," said Essy.

Essy usually admits that if North Sumatra asks for a stadium to be built later, but the capacity is large, as well as Aceh, it will follow North Sumatra asking for a large stadium as well.

"If one building a stadium costs trillions, of course Aceh will ask for the same as North Sumatra. That's what usually happens, just fun," he joked.

However, Essy guarantees that PUPR remains committed to building the requested stadium.

"We are still chasing time, as well as other small venues, which is clear that the opening and closing venues in Medan will still be built with multi-functional safaris. Hopefully, when the construction is completed, after the PON, the treatment must also be considered," said Essy.