The Case Of Management 70 Alfamidi Outlets, Ambon Mayor's Bribery, Was Sentenced To 2 Years In Prison

The panel of judges sentenced Amri to two years in prison, the defendant who gave a bribe of Rp500 to Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy. Bribes were given for the management of 70 mini market outlets in Alfamidi.

"Declaring that the defendant is found guilty of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter B of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code," said Chief Justice of the Corruption Eradication Commission Nanang Zulkarnaen Faizal in Ambon, Thursday 15 December, confiscated by Antara.

The defendant was also sentenced to pay a fine of Rp. 100 million, subsidiary to three months in prison.

As for the aggravating things, the defendant was sentenced to prison and fines for not supporting the government's program in eradicating corruption, collusion and nepotism.

Meanwhile, the mitigating factor is that the defendant was polite in the trial and had never been convicted.

The verdict of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) panel of judges was also lighter than the demands of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutor Richard Marpaung and his friends for two years and six months in prison and a fine of Rp. 100 million, subsidiary to four months in prison.

On this decision, the defendant stated that he would immediately pay a fine of Rp. 100 million and asked to be transferred to Makassar, Sulawesi Seatan, to undergo health care.

Meanwhile, Richard Marpaung and his friends as KPK prosecutors expressed their thoughts on the judge's decision, including the defendant's request to serve his sentence in Makassar for the health care process.

"The defendant's petition is still being considered and we must wait until there is a final and binding decision," said Richard.

The defendant Amri, who is also a lawyer, was entrusted by witnesses Wahyu Sumantri, Muslimin and a number of other witnesses from PT. Midi Utama Indonesia to process the permit to open 70 Alfamidi outlets in Ambon City in 2019.

During the process of obtaining the principle permit, the defendant contacted witness Andrew Hehanusa (in a separate BAP).

Defendant Amri also gave his gratitude for Andrew's services amounting to Rp. 10 million, Rp. 5 million, and Rp. 3 million, then transferring Rp. 1.3 billion for the processing of a principle permit in order to build 70 elfamidi outlets.