Rian Ernest Added A List Of PSI Frontmen Who Revoked Ahead Of The 2024 General Election, Who Follows?

JAKARTA - Director of Advocacy and Legal Aid of the PSI Central Executive Board Rian Ernest Tanudjaja resigned from his party. Rian's resignation adds to the list of PSI high-ranking cadres who left the party ahead of the 2024 General Election.

This resignation statement was conveyed by Rian in a video upload on his personal social media account. Rian admitted that he felt he had to leave PSI after four years as a cadre of the party bearing the rose flower symbol.

"Now is the time for me to make a tough decision but I need to do it. Through this video I declare my resignation from the Indonesian Solidarity Party," Rian said on Thursday, December 15.

After leaving PSI, Rian admitted that he was still a politician. However, Rian did not reveal what his political steps would be in the future and which party he had the lyrics for.

"I, Rian Ernest will remain on the political path and I will continue to need your help to become a better politician, which is more beneficial to the people," said Rian.

Before Rian left PSI, a number of party leaders also decided to leave. Most recently, on December 5, the former chairman of the PSI DKI Jakarta Regional Representative Council (DPW) Michael Victor Sianipar decided to leave PSI.

Firmly, Michael admitted that his political attitude felt no longer in line with the party bearing the rose symbol. That's what caused him to leave the party.

"Over time, the party that I imagined and aspired to, which I knew at the beginning, has changed considerably now. It is time for me to say goodbye and resign from PSI," Michael said in a written statement, Monday, December 5.

Back again in the back, former PSI DPP Chair Tsamara Amany announced his retirement on April 18, 2022. At that time, Tsamara explained that his decision to resign was taken because he wanted to do activities to voice female issues but outside the party element.

Then, former Secretary of the PSI Board of Trustees Sunny Tanuwidjaja was also revealed to have withdrawn from PSI in mid-2022. Then, in October 2022, the former Deputy Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/NAsional Land Agency (Wamen ATR/BPN), Surya Tjandra also decided to leave PSI.

Both, Sunny and Surya, have now distorted their political stance to support Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate in the 2024 General Election.