What Is A Stigma Related To A PERSON's Profile? This Is Understanding, Forming Factors, Forms, To Examples
YOGYAKARTA One way to understand a person's profile is to know what stigma is. Both have close and inseparable relationships.
The three of them can be said to come from outside a person's personality, especially from the environment. But it can also come from within a person. To understand more, here's the description.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the notion of stigma is a negative characteristic that sticks to a person's personality due to environmental influences.
The stigma can also be interpreted as prejudice, thoughts, views, labels, or beliefs gained from others, the community or the surrounding environment to certain people who have negative intentions.
Thus it can be concluded that the stigma is created by the community to certain objects. Objects can be in the form of humans, issues, trust, and so on. The trigger for the emergence of stigma can vary, one of which is when people see an object that is considered to be deviant, strange, or out of collective normality.
The stigma does not just form. There are many factors that form the stigma that occur in society, namely as follows.
The stigma can be formed due to a lack of science and technology (science and technology) in society. Science and technology is not only related to education, but can also be related to access to science such as books or the availability of other information.
Persepsi adalah proses seseorang mengetahui beberapa hal melalui pancaindranya. Persepsi bisa jadi salah satu faktor pembentuk stigma.
Education also creates a community stigma towards an object. The lower the level of education, the more negative stigma is, the easier it is to form.
Age also has an effect on the emergence of stigma in an object. Age is closely related to the thoughts they have.
Gender or gender also contributes to the formation of a stigma. In this case, women tend to be easier to create stigma than men.
These two things certainly determine the formation of stigma in society. Different religions and cultures have different stigmas in an object.
Because religion affects the formation of stigma, a person's level of compliance with religion also increases the emergence of stigma.
Quoted from psychology.ugm.ac.id, psychologist Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., explained that there are two stigmas, namely public stigma and self stigma.
Public stigma is the negative attitude and view that the majority of people have about people with character being evaluated or viewed as lower and worse. Meanwhile, self stigma is a negative attitude taken from the environment that is internalized into oneself.
The form of stigma itself varies. The stigma is the fruit of the mind which is then manifested in a certain form of stigma. The form of stigma in question is as follows.
Examples of stigma can be explained in various cases. For example, for the public, the existence of tattoos on the body is still considered something that is not good. In fact, many still think that people with tattoos are thugs.
In addition, the stigma against people with HIV is still considered a bad thing. In fact, some people tend to stay away from someone who suffers from the disease.
That's information related to what stigma is. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.