Rice Imports, Said Moeldoko To Strengthen Domestic Availability

Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko emphasized that the policy of procuring commercial rice abroad was solely to strengthen national rice reserves. He also ensured that the commercial rice would not interfere with farmers' rice because it was only used under certain conditions. Such as disaster management, price interventions if needed, and several other government activities.

"The use will be closely monitored, to ensure that it does not enter the market. And we make sure that this commercial rice will not interfere with domestic rice produced by farmers," said Moeldoko after chairing a coordination meeting related to the national expansion with the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Trade, Bulog, and National Food Agency, at the Bina Graha building. Jakarta, Wednesday 14 December.

For information, the government has prepared 500 thousand tons of commercial rice abroad which can be brought to Indonesia at any time. The commercial rice is the final inventory of 2022 until waiting for the main harvest in February-March 2023, so that Bulog can absorb farmers' crops to refill its stock to 1.2 million tons.

"This is necessary in order to maintain floor price at the farmer level, and then issued at the time of production to decrease at the end of the year," explained Moeldoko.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander said that the current rice stock position in Bulog is less than 500 thousand tons. While the rest are in households, traders, and rice mills.

Although rice reserves are fairly available, continued Moeldoko, the government still wants to guarantee and ensure that the availability of rice in the community is truly safe. For this reason, the government has taken a policy of procuring commercial rice abroad. "This is also a step to control inflation," he said.

On that occasion Moeldoko also denied the assumption that the fulfillment of rice reserves through the procurement of commercial rice abroad showed that rice production was insufficient.

As is known, during the Cabinet Session at the State Palace, Tuesday (6/12), President Joko Widodo again reminded all ministries/institutions to be aware of conditions of national expansion. The President asked that rice needs be calculated carefully.

President Jokowi also instructed related ministries/institutions to coordinate with each other and collaborate in meeting the national rice needs. According to him, the national rice production is still a surplus. Where, national rice production from January to December 2022 is projected to be 31.90 million tons. Meanwhile, the national rice demand for 2022 is around 30.2 million tons. So it is projected to experience a rice surplus of around 1.7 million tons. "National rice production is in good condition, what we want to maintain is the rice stock in Bulog," concluded Moeldoko.