DKI Deputy Governor Riza Patria Admits That The Doctor Scolded Him And Failed His Diet

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria shared a story when he tested positive for COVID-19. One of them is his increased appetite, so he failed to run a diet program.

"Since I got (COVID-19) I have followed the directions from the team of doctors, the health office has continued to pay attention and I have followed what I have to do. Adequate sleep, sunbathing, taking medication, vitamins, herbs are important. I really want a slim diet. So far, I don't eat rice, but since COVID, I can eat four to five times. So I have a high appetite, "said Riza in a press conference broadcast online on the BNPB YouTube account, Friday, December 18.

Apparently, this hunger is a side effect of appetite enhancer drugs given by doctors. Even though her diet failed, however, Riza was not a problem because she needed nutrition and nutrients from food during her recovery period.

On this occasion, a Gerindra Party politician admitted that he had been scolded by a team of doctors who were tasked with examining him. The reason was, at that time, Riza drank various types of drugs given by her friend.

"Many friends sent medicine. Medicines from China, Korea, Japan to Switzerland all came. Herbal medicine from several regions entered all of them. Yes, just bismillah, which I think is good I drink," he said with a laugh.

"Then the doctor said, 'wow, how come you all drunk the Deputy Governor?', Yes, I'm sure I'm healed," he said.

Until now, Riza also often wonders how she got exposed to COVID-19, even though she has adhered to the health protocol. However, he believed, he was indeed infected by one of his staff.

"So what I want to say, we still have to be careful. No matter how good the discipline, the potential for exposure is there," he said.

Furthermore, after being exposed to COVID-19 and declared cured, Riza is now working to maintain her health and immunity. One way is to reduce activities.

He said he was someone who was 'crazy to work' seven days a week and lacked time to rest. He also continued to do this work rhythm even more after being appointed as Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta and made himself less concerned about his health.

However, this rhythm later changed after he tested positive for COVID-19. "Since COVID-19, we have taken care of it. So the sleep is sufficient, receiving guests must also be limited. We can act for the benefit of the community but it is also important to maintain health," he concluded.