Mass Of Provocateurs In 1812 Action Hides In Minimarket, Police Arrested

JAKARTA - Police arrested three people in the 1812 action who were hiding in a minimarket in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta. The three of them were arrested for acting provocatively.

Initially, the police dispersed the protesters who had just arrived at the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue because they did not have a crowd permit. When they were beaten back, the crowd scattered towards Gambir and Tanah Abang stations.

While repelling the protesters on Jalan Abdul Muis, Gambir, Central Jakarta, a number of mobs tried to provoke members of Brimob. Then, the authorities tried to chase the crowd.

The crowd fled to Ginger Alley. Then, Brimob members continued to follow until they finally found three people hiding in a minimarket.

The three people were taken by Brimob officers to the Horse Statue area to be secured along with a number of protesters who were previously arrested. They were secured for further inspection.

Until now, the police are still combing through the 1812 protesters who were gathered and surviving in the Tanah Abang and Gambir areas.

Previously, when the crowd arrived at the Horse Statue area, the Central Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Heru Novianto asked the participants of the demonstration to demand the release of Rizieq Shihab, who is currently detained in connection with an alleged case of incitement and violation of health protocols, to disband.

According to him, there are health protocol rules that prohibit crowds during a pandemic.

"COVID-19 in Jakarta is still high. Please return, you must be healthy and safe according to the health protocol rules. There are no crowds. I remind you to disperse immediately," Heru said.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya emphasized that it would not issue crowd permits related to demonstration action plans from elements of society who are members of the National Anti-Communist Alliance (ANAK) NKRI.

This demonstration demands the release of Rizieq Shihab, who is currently detained in connection with a violation of the health protocol.