Minister Of BUMN Pangkas 45 Permen, Only 3 Remaining

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir will form a universal sweep law or a BUMN version of the 'Omnibus Law'.

Erick plans to simplify the number of SOE Ministerial Regulations (Permen).

He assessed that the number of BUMN Permens which reached 45 Permen was too much. Furthermore, Erick targets the handling of ministerial regulations to be completed before the turn of the year. This means that it will be completed on the time side of 2022. "We also encourage this BUMN Ministerial Regulation which has 45 from 1998 until now, God willing, before closing this year there are only three Ministerial Regulations, so the BUMN version of the low omnibus is because I am sure that my BUMN directors themselves do not read 45 candy, if only three is enough," said Erick in an official statement, Tuesday, December 13.

In line with regulatory downsizing, Erick will also simplify the number of state-owned companies within 2024-2034.

In its blueprint, Erick targets BUMN which was originally 142 to become 30 companies.

"This is a system and we also encourage a blueprint for 2024-2034, where SOEs are only 30," said Erick.

Erick said that downsizing rules and companies is important to boost the performance of state-owned companies.

In line with this, he ensures that he will submit a BUMN draft law so that the success of the transformation can continue to continue, whoever the minister will be.

Through the BUMN Bill, continued Erick, the Ministry of SOEs will be more corporate in order to have a healthy performance like BUMN.

"We want after SOEs are healthy, the ministry must be healthy. This is what we encourage in the BUMN Bill, one of which is what if SOEs provide dividends, my team is in a ministry whose salaries are Rp. 4.5 million to Rp. 5 million must be able to feel the dividend. Otherwise, the ministry will remain bureaucratic, jealousy, so that the SOEs run, the ministries are bureaucrats," said Erick.

Thus, said Erick, the Ministry of SOEs can act more as a corporation, rather than a bureaucracy.

This has also been done by the Ministry of SOEs in other countries.

Erick will also apply blacklists for a number of individuals so they cannot be included in SOEs.

"We will announce the blacklist, individuals who have been detected by corrupt or whose track record is when given the opportunity, want to move to another BUMN, we are blacklisted," he explained.