There Are No Restrictions On Christmas And New Year's Eve, Minister Of Transportation: Stay Pay Attention To Safety And Health

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation has ensured that it will not limit the mobility of people during the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year (Nataru) holidays.

Even though there are no restrictions on mobility, Budi emphasized that the implementation of Nataru needs to be managed properly considering that during the last kick, COVID-19 cases have increased.

"But of all that, we still have to pay attention to safety, comfort and not forget the health," said Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi during a working meeting with Commission V of the DPR, Tuesday, December 13.

Budi said, to predict the amount of community mobility during the Nataru holiday, the Ministry of Transportation through the Transportation Study Agency (BKT) conducted a survey.

The results show the potential for Nataru's national movement to be 44.17 million or 16 percent of the total population of Indonesia who will travel.

"This figure (higher than 2021) is 13 percent traveling, but lower than 2019 which is 55 percent," he said.

Budi said, the size of this movement was due to the Nataru holiday along with the school holiday. Therefore, there will be a high increase in passengers.

"This year's Nataru implementation also coincides with school holidays, meaning there is one accumulation between those who are going on vacation and school holidays, and of course this will provide a relatively large surge in passengers," he said.

Based on the BKT survey of the Ministry of Transportation, private cars are the favorite choice of transportation modes by the public with 28.26 percent.

Then, followed by motorcycles with 16.47 percent, who will choose to ride the train as much as 13.42 percent, bus transportation modes by 11.90 percent, sea ships by 2 percent and others.

Meanwhile, the origin of travelers during the Nataru holiday is estimated to come from the Greater Jakarta area with 7.1 million people, East Java with 6.2 million people, Central Java with 5.8 million people, West Java with 4.4 million people and North Sumatra with 3 million people.

"The most destinations for travelers are predicted to go to Central Java with 8.7 million people," he said.

The next most regional destinations are East Java with 7.7 million people, West Java with 6.5 million people, Jabodetabek with 4.7 million people and 3.6 million going to DI Yogyakarta during the Nataru holiday.

Budi estimates that the toll road is the people's favorite choice when traveling on the Naru holiday by dominating 58.7 percent and the arterial route at 41.3 percent.

"The main route that will be most visited by the community is the North Coast Line or Pantura as much as 12.8 percent and the Central Cross Road with 11.92 percent," he said.