Bung Karno Was Furious With The Many Sad News Regarding The G30S PKI In History Today, December 13, 1965

JAKARTA History today, 57 years ago, December 13, 1965, Bung Karno revealed his anger at many mass media that reported false news regarding the September 30 Movement (G30S). He revealed this statement at the All-Indonesian Governor's Conference at the State Palace.

Previously, news related to the gathering of the G30S rebellion was scattered. Rebels are considered to have tortured a series of generals in a heinous way. Some say the victim was cut in the eye. There are also those who say the victim's vital organs were cut off.

The G30S rebellion is a black stain in the history of the Indonesian nation. The operation to kidnap Army generals (AD) is considered inhumane. The group of rebels kidnapped the Army Commander, Lieutenant General Ahmad Yani.

The rest are Army general staff, starting Major General S. Parman, Major General Mas Tirtodarmo Harjono, Major General R. Supriapto, Brigadier General Soetojo Siswomiardjo, Brigadier DI Panjaitan, and First Lieutenant Pierre Tendean.

The only target that missed, aka could not be caught was the Minister of Defense AH Nasution who fled. The success of AH Nasution's escape was that he was paid a heavy price. The aide Pierre Tendean was kidnapped. While his son, Ade Irma Suryani, had to die from being shot by the rebels.

The incident made the whole of Jakarta panic. Schools are closed, as well as offices. The panic is getting worse because the military is on standby at the Jakarta flashlight with complete weapons.

The people later found out that a series of TNI AD generals had been kidnapped. The location of the kidnapping was traced. It was only three days after the kidnapping location was obtained. However, all those kidnapped were killed.

After a three-day search, the kidnapped generals were found. They were found dead at the bottom of a well near the airfield area. Full of horror and disgust, Dolly saw images of the bodies starting to rot. "

The incident of removing the body was broadcast on television on Monday night. According to the commander of the replacement force, Suharto, the failed power struggle was the result of the work of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), as well as groups of sympathizers in the Air Force (AU), "said Dolly Zegerius as written by Hilde Janssen in the book Tanah Air Baru, Indonesia (2016).

The PKI was also named the main mastermind behind the G30S rebellion. The news of the wind mentions that a series of kidnapped generals were not immediately killed. However, the PKI killed them first. Some say they were tortured in a heinous way. From cutting the genitals to prying the eyes.

The narrative was later written by several mass media. In fact, information about torture reached Bung Karno's family. The son of the Fajar was furious at the mass media who spread the rebels to a series of generals.

According to him, this information is fake news. He took advantage of the All-Indonesian Governor's Conference forum at the State Palace to convey his anger on December 13, 1965. He called all forms of torture against the generals far-fetched.

Bung Karno dared to say that because he got the information he got from a team of doctors who examined the bodies. The team of doctors revealed that there was no evidence that a series of generals were tortured before being killed. Especially in a heinous way.

"Until last night I was angry! He, where did you get it from? Who gave the news to you, who put it in your letter, that the generals were cut off by their genitals? In fact, at that time, that night, I asked Achmadi, Minister of Information. Minister of Information, where is this news from?"

I even asked General Ibnu Subroto, where did this news come from in this newspaper. I asked Noor Nasution, Lt. Col., who was monitoring Antara, where did this news come from? How come in the newspaper it is said that these dead generals have their genitals cut! Because, as a result of this fake news, brothers and sisters, it is more evil than slander," said Bung Karno as written by Budi Setiyono and