Other Local Artists And Guests Present In Session 1 Of Tasyakuran Kaesang And Erina At Mangkunegaran Temple

JAKARTA - Currently, the tasyakuran event for Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono at Mangkunegaran Temple, Solo is underway. The first session of tasyakuran began after Kaesang and Erina finished downloading the mantu and carnival from Loji Gandrung.

It appears that invited guests have packed the pavilion used by Kaesang and Erina to hold a meeting and reception. Starting from local artists, friends to relatives from both sides, the bride and groom were invited guests in the first session.

Tasyakuran itself will be divided into two sessions, the second session with different guests will begin at 19.30 WIB.

Apart from invited guests, people who come can also watch various art performances around Pura Mangkunegaran.

Not only that, but the public can also enjoy free dishes that have been provided at several points, including at Mangkunegaran Temple and Slamet Riyadi Street.

For information, the celebration will be the last event of a series of Javanese traditional weddings chosen by the bride and groom.