Police On Standby At The Bogor Border Prevent The 1812 Action Mass Demanding That Rizieq Be Released In Jakarta

CIANJUR - The Cianjur Police Station, West Java, has alerted hundreds of officers on the border to Bogor-Jakarta, as an effort to block the period of action that will go to Jakarta demanding the release of Rizieq Shihab.

Head of Cianjur Police, AKBP Mochamad Rifai said hundreds of members at a number of borders of Cianjur and Bogor, in an effort to prevent the marching of the masses to Jakarta to stage the 1812 demonstration.

"We have stationed officers at the border or exit of Cianjur, from today, until tomorrow morning as an effort to block the escort of the masses to Jakarta, because there will be a violation of health protocols that can affect many people," Rifai said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 17.

For those who are caught crossing with the aim of Jakarta in large numbers, they will be sent back to their respective hometowns.

"Officers have been alerted from afternoon until tomorrow morning, for those who violate will be subject to strict sanctions," continued Rifai.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Cianjur Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Hud Al-Idrus, said he would send a crowd to Jakarta in the context of the 1812 action demanding that Rizieq Shihab be released without conditions. However, he was not sure how many people from Cianjur would move to Jakarta.

"I cannot confirm how many FPI masses from Cianjur left for Jakarta. I can only say as many as possible on the demand that Rizieq Shihab be released unconditionally," he said.

Habib Hud Al-Idrus said no one coordinated the mass departure. Therefore, his party cannot confirm which ones will go to Jakarta. However, those who departed from Cianjur, would meet at one point in Jakarta before joining the protesters from other areas.