Attorney General Indiana Sues TikTok For Access To Unlicensed Information And Shows Adult Content To Youth Users

JAKARTA - Indiana's Attorney General, United States (US), Todd Rokia has just sued the TikTok app for defrauding users about China's access to their data, and showing adult content to teenage users.

This is the first state lawsuit against popular video apps. In its lawsuit, Rokia claims TikTok, which is owned by Chinese company ByteDance violated the country's consumer protection laws by not disclosing the Chinese government's ability to intercept sensitive user information.

Separate lawsuits also state that TikTok deceive teenage users and their parents by describing users to adult or inappropriate content.

The inappropriate content includes alcohol, tobacco, medicines, sexual content, nudity, and suggestions and intense dirty words.

"TikTok's app is a malicious and threatening threat released to unsuspected Indiana consumers by Chinese companies who know very well the dangers it poses to users," Roukita said in a statement.

"With these lawsuits, we hope to force TikTok to stop its wrong, deceptive, and misleading practices, which violate Indiana law," he added.

Furthermore, TikTok is also claimed to deceive teenage users with age 12 years and over in Apple and Google app stores.

The demand comes as the app faces tighter scrutiny of its roots in China, including in the UK, after an update to its privacy policy revealed some TikTok staff overseas could access user data under certain circumstances.

Melansir The Verge, Jumat, 9 Desember, meski Juru bicara TikTok, handiwa partisipasi peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung, dia mengatakan, "keselamatan, privasi, dan keamanan komunitas kami adalah prioritas utama kami," ungkapnya.

The lawsuit comes days after Governors in Maryland, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas banned the use of TikTok on government devices.

Likewise, the US Army, Navy, and Department of Homeland Security and State have also banned the use of the application on devices issued by the government.