Iran Is As Excited As Trump's Leaving The White House

JAKARTA - It is possible for Iran to admit that it is normal for Joe Biden to take over the White House. But on the other hand, they are happy to see the end of the administration of the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump.

This was conveyed by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. In his cabinet meeting, Rouhani said Trump was the most illegal person in the US. "We are not very happy with Biden's arrival, but we are very happy with Trump's departure," Rouhani said.

“Someone who committed so many atrocities, who is a murderer, a terrorist, who doesn't even spare our vaccine efforts. This is how this person lost all ethical and human principles. "

Launched Al-Jazeera, Thursday 17 December, Iran is facing the largest and deadliest COVID-19 pandemic in the Middle East. Rouhani stated that the Trump administration has been actively trying to block its efforts to buy vaccines through the World Health Organization (WHO).

Iran has been under harsh economic sanctions by the US since 2018. Trump then unilaterally withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal with world powers. But Biden promised to return the US to the deal and lift sanctions if Iran complied with its terms. Biden also stressed that negotiations were needed to deal with Iran's missile program and regional activities, something Iran has rejected.

Different conditions

Rouhani responded to claims by foreign media that Iran's conditions were different from 2015 for negotiations with less pressure on the country. He doesn't deny that conditions are different, but they prefer Iran now than they did when the nuclear deal was being finalized. President Rouhani added that Iran used to import petroleum, natural gas and wheat in 2015, but now exports them.

"Our strength today cannot even be compared to then," he said, adding that Iran's missile, military and nuclear programs had become much more powerful.

Vaccines and other humanitarian goods should be exempt from US sanctions. But in practice, few banks are willing to take the risk of processing Iranian transactions for fear of being subject to harsh penalties in US courts.

Since Biden's victory, Rouhani's government has repeatedly signaled its openness to the upcoming US administration. Yet Iran's Supreme Leader warned against any hope of opening up to the West.

Rouhani said the US election results demonstrated the desire of the US people to have a "law abiding" president and called on the Biden administration to live up to that expectation. "If you want to be on the right path, there is, and if you want wrong, that is also there," said Rouhani.