The Manager Of Grand Indonesia Denies The Mayor Of Central Jakarta, Calls No Need For Additional Land Even Though The Parking Marak Is Illegal

Corporate Communication Manager of PT Grand Indonesia Dnia Widodo denied the statement by Central Jakarta Mayor Dhany Sukma who said they needed additional parking space and would apply for additional permits.

Grand Indonesia already has enough parking space to accommodate the needs of Grand Indonesia customers and employees, both for cars and motorbikes.

"To note, we currently have 10 parking floors covering more than 4,700 cars and more than 1,700 motorcycles located in the East Mall and West Mall areas," Dinia said in a short message, Thursday, December 8.

Dinia also claims that Grand Indonesia can also be accessed easily through various public transportation such as Commuter Line, MRT, TransJakarta, and online transportation.

"Thus, we have no plans to apply for additional parking spaces," said DINA.

Regarding the existence of illegal parking lined up around Grand Indonesia, DINA admitted that it was not their authority to take care of it.

"Grand Indonesia does not want to be involved in discussions about illegal parking in areas outside GI because it is not our capacity to discuss this," he said.

Previously, the Mayor of Central Jakarta, Dhany Sukma, said that the management of Grand Indonesia (GI) was in the process of adding new parking locations.

"They will ask for an application for additional parking space. In accordance with the provisions, please ask for it. The GI parking lot already has 3 floors, he asked for an application," said Dhany.

Dhany mengungkapkan, penambahan lokasi parkir resmi ini memang dibutuhkan untuk menampung kendaraan-kendaraan yang biasanya memanfaatkan parkir liar.

Bearing in mind, the Central Jakarta Transportation Agency will take action by cleaning up illegal parking locations that do not pay retribuses to the government around shopping centers near the HI Roundabout area.

"Through the Transportation Sub-Department, we will carry out enforcement efforts in accordance with the signs," said Dhany.