PLN Falls 5,574 Personnel Join Central Java-DIY Electricity Reliability Ahead Of Christmas And New Year Holidays

PLN is ready to secure the reliability of electricity supply ahead of Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 (Nataru) in the Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) areas. In the Christmas and New Year Alert meeting which was held at the PLN Office page of the Yogyakarta Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3), PLN conducted inspections of personnel and equipment that would be alerted during the Nataru period.

General Manager of PLN Central Java & DI Yogyakarta Main Distribution Unit (UID), AB Wahyu Jatmiko said, to maintain the reliability of electricity supply during Alert Nataru, especially in Central Java-DIY, his party deployed 5,574 standby personnel.

"The personnel consist of 1,174 PLN technical officers, 3,606 technical services, 108 PDKB (Work in Voltage) officers and 693 other supporting personnel," he explained while leading the rally Monday, December 5.

Jatmiko explained that security priorities are carried out for places of worship such as churches, public service places including stations, terminals, hotels, airports, and government offices related to public services.

"The priority of electricity security during Nataru will be carried out at several important locations to ensure that our Christians celebrate Christmas comfortably. In addition, security priorities are also carried out for electricity supply at all points of VVIP activities and visits in Central Java and DIY Provinces, in connection with the wedding of the President-RI's son, Joko Widodo," added Jatmiko.

Jatmiko said PLN is also preparing 93 Nataru Alert Posts located in PLN units in Central Java and DIY. To support performance in the field, PLN provides personnel with supporting equipment including 14 units of live touch PDKB vehicles, 30 mobile substations, 3 mobile cable units, 19 generator units, and 5 UPS units. PLN also applies a borderless officer method to anticipate emergency conditions.

Jatmiko also appealed to the public to be vigilant in dealing with the rainy season because extreme weather conditions have the potential to cause electrical disturbances.

He hopes for the active participation of the community to report any disturbances or those that have the potential to cause electrical disturbances by contacting PLN Mobile.