Defend The Elected Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, US Foreign Minister: We Firmly Oppose Actions That Break The Prospects Of The Two Countries

JAKARTA - United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken vowed on Sunday against Israeli settlements or annexations in the West Bank, but pledged to assess Benjamin Netanyahu's future government based on actions and not personality.

Netanyahu is expected to return to power after sealing a coalition agreement with right-handed extreme movements, including Religious Zionism, which will be given the position responsible for settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Speaking to J Street, the progressive pro-Israeli advocacy group, Foreign Minister Blinken congratulated the veteran Israeli leader, who had clashed with the previous Democratic Government in Washington.

"We will measure the government based on policies it takes over individual personalities," Foreign Minister Blinken said.

But he said President Joe Biden's Administration would work "stoplessly" to maintain its " hope zone", however dim, for the formation of a Palestinian state.

"We will also firmly oppose any action that undermines the prospects for a two-state solution, but is not limited to residential expansion, moving towards West Bank annexation, interference with the historic status quo of the holy place, demolition and eviction and incitement to violence," said Foreign Minister Blinken.

He further explained that President Biden's administration would insist on "the core principles of democracy, including respecting the rights of LGBTQ people and the administration of equal justice for all Israeli citizens".

It is known that the far-right group in the Netanyahu coalition will include Noam, whose leader Avi Maoz strongly opposes LGBTQ's rights.

Earlier, Benjamin Netanyahu quickly said Jerusalem's pride march would continue, contrary to Maoz, who had vowed to cancel it.

Meanwhile, Religious Zionism leader Itamar Ben-Gvir, who is expected to play a key role, is a staunch supporter of Jewish settlements and used to hang in his living room a portrait of Much Goldstein, who slaughtered 29 Palestinian worshipers at the 1943 mosque in 1994.

It is known that the November 1 election was the fifth for Israel in less than four years, following the collapse of a diverse coalition trying to prevent the scandal-hit Netanyahu.