8 Years Of Playing Marvel Franchise, Zoe Salda

JAKARTA - Zoe Saldawi admitted that he was trapped in the Marvel cinematic universe. Joining for 10 years, he felt less artistic in choosing a role because he was in the franchise.

This statement was made for the first time in an interview. He played Gamora in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise.

"I am very grateful for the opportunity they have given me, from collaboration with great directors and meeting players who I consider friends and playing characters that are fans, especially my beloved children," said Zoe Saldana, launching WWD.

I think the last 10 years of life, I feel trapped. I'm stuck doing this franchise," he said.

Not only that, Zoe Salda patha also returned to the Avatar franchise by starring in the film Avatar: The Way of Water.

"This means I am trapped artisticly because I cannot develop or challenge myself to play different genres and roles," said Saldana.

"But now, because I am 44 years old, I have this opportunity and I have the voice and how I consider myself a woman," he continued.

Often starring in franchises, Zoe Saldana looks on the positive side where she thinks filmmakers don't pay attention to her age.

I am happy because I can collaborate with many filmmakers and producers and people in this industry who want young women to be young and who don't praise young women. And that's interesting. This is very interesting," he said.

On the same occasion, Saldana also leaked the possibility that he would finish from Marvel production.

"I can never say no for anything but that green makeup? I would be angry if that didn't happen. I miss Gamora but I don't want to make five hours of makeup and go to dermatological after that," he said.

"But every time an 8 year old child or a generation fan reminds me that what I do is special for them, it makes me less cynical about Marvel," said Zoe Saldana.