What Are The Tasks Of The Football Captain? This Is The Answer

YOGYAKARTA The task of the football captain in a team cannot be underestimated. The appointment itself is carried out in accordance with the agreement of the team and parties related to the club. After being elected, the captain will use the armband in the upper arm.

The use of the captain's armband in football is also listed in FIFA rules. The biasnaya armband has a striking color to make it easier for referees and coaches to see from the sidelines.

The selection of the captain in the football team is not only based on the quality of the game, but his skills in communicating. Several great players such as Carles Puyol, Paolo Maldini, John Terry, to Bambang Pamungkas who had captained the team and represented his team. In general, here is the task of a football captain.

One of the tasks of the football captain is to lead his team, both in match matches and during training, both on the field and in the dressing room. Other players must respect the captain's decision in various situations.

The referee will call the club captain as team representative before the game starts. The captain has a responsibility to meet the referee and captain of the opposing team in the middle of the field to provide the line-up or participate in determining who the first kicker in the match will be.

In addition, the team captain must be present to represent his team when there is a debate when a decision is considered controversial.

The coach usually issues instructions to the players during the match. It is here the captain's job to be a mouthpiece by conveying the coach's instructions to other players. Coach instructions to the team are usually related to game tactics to win, so the captain must be able to understand the coach's wishes.

The captain will also explain to the coach what obstacles he faces on the field so that the coach can give certain instructions to address his team's problems.

The commotion in football often occurs, especially when the referee is considered to have made the wrong decision. When there was a wave of protests from the team, the captain had to be alert to calm the team members so that unwanted things would not happen.

The captain in football represents his team so that it is not uncommon to get the spotlight from the media and fans. The captain must uphold the values, vision and mission that had previously been determined by the management. The team captain must also be an example for other players, so they must be careful when acting because it will be the image of the team as a whole.

The captain of football must also be a good example for other players, especially in upholding fair play in football. The captain must also be able to motivate his team members to appear enthusiastic in playing.

In a football match, the team can submit protests or things they think must be addressed to the coach or to the referee. The team will convey it through the captain first, then it will be submitted to the person concerned. Therefore, the football captain must have the skills in communication and wisdom in attitude.

Those are some of the tasks of the football captain. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.