BCA Supports The Preservation Of Indonesian Residents Through Young Generation Education

JAKARTA - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) always supports initiatives to preserve Indonesian wayang, including various efforts to educate today's young generation to know and learn from the cultural wealth of the nation's ancestral heritage.

In an official statement from BCA quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 1, Executive Vice President of Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility BCA Hera Haryn said the company is always involved in concrete actions to preserve wayang as a cultural wealth and national identity.

"By bringing wayang into the millennial context through the use of a number of today's communication medium which is supported by artistic and technological innovation, the younger generation can learn and understand the cultural and morality character of this nation," said Hera.

In commemoration of the 4th National Week Day, the Indonesian Wayang National Secretariat (Sena Wangi) held the National Way Week some time ago.

The event was opened by the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Hilmar Farid, who was accompanied by the General Chairperson of Sena Wangi Suparmin Sunjoyo and Executive Vice President of Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility of BCA Hera Haryn.

In the event, BCA also presented the performance of the drama dance of Wayang Srikandi with students of SMPN 5 and SMP Mataram, as a form of socialization and education of wayang to the younger generation.

BCA also encourages the creation of wayang art through wayang-series comics by three outstanding young people, namely Nabil Faizal Mahdi (student of SDN Malaka Jaya 05 Jakarta, age 12 years), Luh Dea Raysita Wardani (student of SMAN 68 Jakarta, age 15 years), and Gunawan Christanto (private employee, age 27 years).

The National Wayang Week was also enlivened by the presence of creative entrepreneurs in the wayang art sector from Wayang Tourism Village from Wukirsari Village, Yogyakarta, which is one of the fostered villages in the Bakti BCA program.

Hera emphasized that BCA will always be committed to supporting the preservation of wayang and a number of other national cultural assets.

"We hope that the support and initiatives that have been carried out by BCA can further increase people's love for Indonesia's cultural heritage, especially for today's generation," he said.