Winning In 8 Pilkada Papua, PDIP: Mama Mega Says Thank You Message

JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the PDI-P DPP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, appreciates her party cadres who have won a number of regional elections in Papua and West Papua on December 9, 2020.

"Mama Mega entrusts a message and expresses her gratitude for the people of Papua and West Papua who are in the same spirit of nationality. To the party cadres chosen by the people, Mama Mega entrusts the message, be a torch of light that guides the people," said Secretary General of the PDI-P DPP. Kristiyanto in his written statement, in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, December 15.

Based on the results of a quick count, in Papua they have won 4 regional elections, and 4 more in West Papua, all of whom are pure PDI-P cadres.

"Therefore, Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri, who is familiarly called Mama Mega by Papuans, expressed her appreciation," said Hasto.

The victory in the two provinces is expected to give hope for the improvement of the welfare of the people of Papua and West Papua.

He conveyed that Megawati has on various occasions always emphasized the importance of Papua and West Papua for Indonesia. The historical traces of the struggle of the Nation's Father Soekarno are also clear in Papua. Currently, President Joko Widodo also pays attention to Papua.

"With the principle of development from the periphery, Pak Jokowi builds various infrastructures that never been possible in the previous 10 years. We have assigned our cadres who are regional heads to seriously develop their areas in line with the Government of Pak Joko Widodo," explained Hasto.

PDIP itself will continue to monitor the manual calculations for the elections held in Papua and West Papua Provinces. Especially considering the natural conditions make the calculation process difficult.

As in other regions, the PDI Perjuangan mostly carries cadres in the Pilkada of Papua and West Papua. PDI Perjuangan is fully aware of the situation in Papua which requires quality leadership and can run a government with a pro-people commitment and high nationalism.

So that the PDI Perjuangan runs the process of recruiting candidates for regional head well, and provides good governance through the Party School.

The same regeneration process is felt by quality national leaders from parties such as President Jokowi, Tri Rismaharini, Ganjar Pranowo, Hendrar Prihadi, Abdullah Azwar Anas, to Hasto Wardoyo.

"At the Party School, PDI-P regional head candidates also shared good experiences in regional governance from sources such as Mrs. Risma, Pak Azwar Anas, to Mas Hendi, the Mayor of Semarang. The hope is that this good experience can also be carried out in Papua," said Hasto. .

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP assigned to handle Papua and West Papua, Komaruddin Watubun, said that the Papua region was getting 'redder' and more party cadres were sitting in the regional government.

In Papua, of the 11 districts / cities that carried out the pilkada, there were 4 regions whose people chose PDIP cadres as regional heads.

Namely in Asmat with Elisa Kambu who is also the Chairperson of the Asmat DPC, paired with Deputy Regent Thomas Eppe Safanfo who is also the Secretary of the Asmat DPC.

In Nabire, the one who was elected as district head was Mesak Magai, who was the Deputy Chairperson of the DPD Papua. At Keerom, PDIP succeeded in placing its cadre, Wahfir Kosasih, as deputy regent. Meanwhile in Mamberamo Raya, PDIP cadre DR. (HC) Jhon Tabo also succeeded in convincing the people of Papua.

"Those that are 4 are certain to win and our own cadres. There are two more regions that are still being counted," said Komaruddin.

Meanwhile in West Papua, from 9 regional elections, PDIP cadres managed to win in 4 regions. Namely in Manokwari by placing Hermus Indou. Mount Arfak installed deputy regent Marinus Mandacan; South Sorong appointed Samsudin Anggiluli (Chairman of the DPC); South Manokwari places Markus Waran (Chairman of the West Papua DPD).

"So that in total, in Papua and West Papua, there are 8 party cadres who sit as regional heads. This is all thanks to the solidity of the hard work so far and the high hopes of the Papuan people to the PDI Perjuangan cadres," said Komaruddin.