6 Your Signs Don't Pay Attention To Yourself

YOGYAKARTA Paying attention to yourself is a way to maintain health, both physically and mentally. According to cardiologist and functional medicine, Martin G. Bloom, MD., lack of sleep and not managing stress properly can cause focus to decrease, hormones are not balanced, and experience cognitive problems. Moreover, what is a sign that you need to pay attention to yourself immediately? Here's the explanation.

Rest is quite important to get up early in the morning fresher and away from stress. Lowering brain abilities can also be caused by lack of sleep. Not only because of aging, but it is a sign that you need adequate rest.

Job demands and raising children can affect sex drive. Libido is associated with hormones, and hormonal imbalance can be associated with more serious conditions. Such as fatigue, depression, weight gain, and heart problems.

Whether it's work, romantic relationships, family relationships, and the environment that makes you stressed continuously affects your health. Stress hormones, cortisol can remain high when gloomy, anxious, and depressed. Everything also affects your mood. If you often feel depressed and don't have the motivation to be more productive, try to manage stress. For example, by taking time to walk and walk to the lab to practice yoga and meditation regularly.

Even if you get enough sleep at night, but sleepy all day, it's a sign you need to pay attention to yourself. Try taking the time to eat healthy foods, reschedule for regular exercise, until regular night's sleep.

If you spend most of your activity sitting in front of your computer or television, you don't have to think why the cause of muscle susceptibility is on your feet. Foot muscle tightness, according to Adonis Maiquez, MD. reported by The Healthy, Friday, November 25, shows low magnesium levels. If not addressed immediately can cause health problems. Especially it can disrupt heart rate and has arrhythmias.

Doctor Adonis recommends, if leg muscle sussceptibility, consumption of foods rich in magnesium such as almonds, labbu seeds, and bananas.

In contrast to the persistentness of the leg muscles, if you often feel bored on your hands and feet, according to doctor Adonis, it is caused by a lack of vitamin B12. If not treated or immediately changing your unhealthy lifestyle, it can cause anemia.

If you experience the six signs above, you need to start listening to the body. Because the body has boundaries, it means that it needs to be treated according to the portion. The rest, living a healthy lifestyle will improve physical and mental conditions.