Sri Mulyani Tegaskan Laju Inflasi Di Indonesia Terjaga Dan Relatif Moderat

JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the increase in inflation in Indonesia is still maintained and relatively moderate compared to peer countries. According to him, this condition is due to the handling of national inflation carried out using two methods, namely conventional and non-conventional.

"Conventional is to use monetary instruments, namely Bank Indonesia has started raising interest rates to reduce inflation," he said in a written statement on Friday, November 25.

Meanwhile, for non-conventional ones, continued the Minister of Finance, it was taken through activation from the Central Inflation Handling Team (TPIP) and the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID).

He explained, if you look at the volatile food, it can be lowered quite impressively from the middle of the year to the level of 7.2 percent.

"Meanwhile, in terms of prices regulated by the government or administrative price, it shows an increase due to an increase in pertalite and diesel fuel oil (BBM)," he said.

The state treasurer added, on the other hand, core inflation (core inflation) is the main focus for Bank Indonesia to control. The Minister of Finance said that the consumer factor was still very strong as seen from the increasing aggregate demand which was quite defensive and became the concern of the central bank to set policies.

"So overall Indonesia with 5.7 percent, our inflation is still in a relatively moderate or good stage compared to other countries that are the same as us," he said.

Even earlier, other emerging countries and developed countries in the G20 are now double-digit inflation, except for America, which has started to show an inflation decline of 7.7 percent. This is a condition that we will continue to study and we are aware of its impact on our economy," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.