In The Aftermath Of The Death Of 6 Special Forces Of Rizieq Shihab's Guard, Commission III Will Summon The Police Propam

JAKARTA - Commission III DPR RI plans to summon the Propam Division of the Police Headquarters regarding the investigation of members of the Polda Metro Jaya who were involved in the shooting incident on the Jakarta-Cikampek Kilometer 50 toll road, which resulted in the death of six special forces for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

A member of Commission III of the DPR RI from the PKS faction, Habib Aboe Bakar Al-Habsy, said that this summon was intended to see the steps of the police in terms of law enforcement.

"So we will summon and hear what the results are," said Aboe, who was met after the recess visit meeting at the NTB Attorney General's Office, Mataram, as reported by Antara, Monday, December 14.

Apart from the Police Headquarters Propam Division, his party will also summon the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis.

Commission III DPR RI will also hear the views and steps of Komnas HAM as a state-owned institution that monitors human rights issues.

"We will also ask for the role of Komnas HAM to check everything. What is certain is that later Commission III will summon all (working partners of Commission III DPR RI). From that discussion we will see," he said.

Therefore, Aboe hopes that all people will be able to hold back and not be provoked by various unclear issues related to this issue.

"We shouldn't be too quick to draw conclusions. We can't be tendentious, we still have to put forward the presumption of innocence," he said.

The Police Headquarters Propam Division previously stated that it had started an internal investigation regarding the deaths of six FPI troops on the Jakarta-Cikampek Kilometer 50 toll road.

Head of Propam Polri Inspector General Ferdy Sambo said the investigation was to see whether the shooting of the six people by members of Polda Metro Jaya was in accordance with the Chief of Police Regulation Number 1 and 8 of 2009 or not.

The explanation contained in Perkap No.1 / 2009 concerning the Use of Force in Police Action allows the police to take extra steps. Meanwhile, Perkap Number 8 of 2009 is concerning the Implementation of Human Rights Principles and Standards in the Implementation of Duties of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

"That is what we are monitoring, whether it is in accordance with the perkap related to the use of force. If it is appropriate to use the force based on a perkap, it will be conveyed transparently," he also said.