8 Police In South Sumatra Fired For Embezzlement And Drugs

PALEMBANG - Eight South Sumatra Regional Police personnel were fired. The eight members are involved in cases of drug abuse and trafficking, desertion, and embezzlement.

The dismissal of the non-commissioned officer was carried out in a special ceremony at the South Sumatra Regional Police Headquarters, Palembang, Monday, led by the Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Eko Indra Heri S.

Eight personnel who underwent a dishonorable discharge ceremony (PTDH), namely three from the Sumsel Polda Satker and five personnel from the ranks of the Polres.

Three South Sumatra Police Satker personnel who were dismissed, namely Brigadier Agus Dianto (South Sumatra Police Yanma non-commissioned officer for embezzlement with weighted cases), Brigadier Hendy Afrizal (Bintara Ditsamapta Polda Sumsel, desertion case since January 2019), and Briptu Anton Budiarto (SPN Polda Sumsel. 2 year desertion case).

Five personnel who were dismissed from the ranks of the police, namely Bripka Tomi Hermanto (non-commissioned officer of the Lubuk Linggau Police, 4 years desertion case), Brigadier Aliluddin Damanik (non-commissioned officer of the Ogan Komering Ilir Police, drug case), Briptu Sony Akolayoda (non-commissioned officer of the Four Lawang Police, desertion case 2 years), Briptu Arif Hidayattullah (non-commissioned officer of the Four Lawang Police, drug cases), and Bripda Kapatrea (non-commissioned officer of the Lubuk Linggau Police, 4 years desertion case).

Kapolda Irjen Eko said the PTDH ceremony was a form of realization of the commitment of the National Police leadership in providing strict sanctions in the form of punishment for personnel who violate law and discipline or the Police Code of Ethics.

"I remind all personnel to continue to increase faith and devotion to God Almighty, increase personal discipline and unity and avoid behavior, speech, and attitudes, such as arrogance, individualism, and apathy so that Polri members can become role models for families and families. community, "he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, December 14.

All leaders of the satker and satwil were instructed to continue to carry out personnel training and not to be bored to reprimand, remind, and advise if they knew that their members had committed irregularities and violations.

Kapolda hopes that this kind of ceremony will not happen again next time. For this reason, it is hoped that all personnel can take lessons and lessons from this PTDH ceremony.

"Disrespect the dismissal of personnel as material for self-reflection and a reflection for others to become a good person," said Inspector General Eko.

He appealed to Polri members to carry out their duties professionally and to carry out their duties properly and responsibly in accordance with applicable regulations, and to improve performance, innovation and motivation to become outstanding Bhayangkara individuals.