Can't A Cellphone Be Found At The Scene Of The Crime, A Transjakarta Driver Who DIEd In A Nutrition Victim?

The Ciracas Police have not been able to conclude the motive that led to the death of Randi Pramono (30), a Transjakarta bus employee that occurred on Tuesday night, November 22 on Jalan Raya Bogor KM 26, Ciracas District, East Jakarta. However, based on the results of the crime scene (TKP), the police did not find the victim's cellphone.galized?

Investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Ciracas Police are still unable to conclude the cause of Randi Pramono's death. They are also reluctant to speculate about the news that Randi was a victim of robbery, because his party is still gathering a number of evidences and witnesses.

"We can't draw conclusions yet, it's still in process," said Ciracas Police Chief Kompol Jupriono when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, November 23.

It is known, the first time the victim was found at the crime scene (TKP) the victim's cellphone was not found (lost).

"While we are still looking for the victim's cellphone, we will confirm with family and other friends whether at work (the victim) brought a cellphone," he said.

Kompol Jupriono said that although the victim's cellphone had not been found, the victim's wallet and identity card were still in his body when he was found dead at the scene.

"The wallet is intact, the motorbike is intact and parked there. We are still investigating the motive. There is no dispute (between the victim and the perpetrator)," he said.