Bamsoet Appreciates APLI's Existence Contributing To The Economy Through Its MLM

JAKARTA - The direct selling sector must be fully supported because it has proven to contribute to the welfare and economy of the people. In fact, one of the systems, namely Multi Level Marketing (MLM) can be useful for students and students so that they can become entrepreneurs while studying.

The statement was made by the Chairman of the MPR, Bambang Soesatyo, when he opened the annual activities of the Indonesian Direct Selling Association (APLI), namely the APLI Convention 2020 and the APLI Award this weekend.

This activity was attended by direct selling industry players as well as stakeholders in order to re-socialize the direct selling industry and its positive economic and social impacts on society.

Referring to the annual reports of 147 companies in 2019, direct selling companies, including those carrying out sales with a tiered system (multi-level marketing or MLM), managed to record sales transactions of IDR 14.7 trillion involving 5.3 million business partners.

Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) appreciated the existence of the Indonesian Direct Selling Association (APLI) which has contributed to the economy and people's welfare.

"Another encouraging note that should be appreciated is that this MLM scheme is also used by students so that they can become entrepreneurs while studying," said Bamsoet in a written statement, Sunday, December 13.

Photo: Doc. APLI)

Bamsoet explained, the MLM direct sales sector is also 'instrumental' in protecting and protecting domestic products. Because more than half or about 51.86 percent that are sold are domestic products.

"The direct selling sector with the MLM system must be fully supported because it has proven to contribute to the welfare and economy of the people and is beneficial for students and students so that they can become entrepreneurs while studying," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of APLI Kany V. Soemantoro said that through this activity, his party welcomed the commitment made by APLI's partners and all stakeholders including the Ministry of Trade, the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the Investment Alert Task Force, the Indonesian National Police. (POLRI), the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI) to socialize and strengthen public perceptions regarding the direct selling industry in Indonesia.

"Today there are indeed many people who are disadvantaged by rampant fraudulent practices under the guise of investment, savings, social gathering, gold investment, insurance and so on which operate under the name of direct selling or multi-level marketing. APLI and its stakeholders continue to strive to eradicate such illegal practices, "said Kany.

According to Kany, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the direct selling industry was able to provide income to the country of IDR 14.7 trillion, even the latest update has reached IDR 16.3 trillion. While other businesses went out of business and laid off their employees, the direct selling industry actually existed.

"All the success is thanks to the leader / business partner / member who always sells our industrial products," said Kany.