Ronaldo Becomes The First Human Having 500 Million Followers On Instagram

JAKARTA Cristiano Ronaldo officially became the first human being to get 500 million followers on Instagram social media.

The Portuguese footballer previously also set a record after uploading a photo with his rival Lionel Messi playing chess in a suitcase.

The post received more than 36 million or the second most in platform history. The only post that beats it is an egg photo that sets a world record with 55.9 million likes and continues to grow.

The increase in the number of followers made Ronaldo still superior to Messi. The Argentine national team star is in second place with 376 million followers today.

Ronaldo is very fast reaching 500 million followers on Instagram. He was recorded to have obtained more than one million followers in just 24 hours on 19 November after he posted a photo with Messi as well.

Meanwhile, behind Messi is Kylie Jenner as the third human with the most followers. Following that were Selena Gomez and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, who took fourth and fifth place.

With such a large number of followers, it is not surprising that Ronaldo can harvest billions of rupiah in one post. One post of the 37-year-old player is worth 2 million dollars or Rp. 31 billion.