Many Become Symptoms, What Are The Benefits Of Hosting A World Cup?

YOGYAKARTA Qatar is in the spotlight of football lovers around the world for hosting the 2022 World Cup. Unmitigated, Qatar is even considered to have presented new things to open the 2022 World Cup, one of which is by presenting BTS personnel, boyband from South Korea. Apart from this, what are the advantages of hosting the world cup?

Various countries have the courage to propose to host the world cup. This is done of course with the projected benchmark of profit that will be obtained by the host of the World Cup. A number of advantages will be obtained, namely as follows.

To host world trophies, various countries must dare to compete with each other. This competition is certainly not easy. And when a country manages to win the competition by successfully hosting the World Cup, prestige profits will be obtained.

Prestise is not only felt by people in related countries, but will boost the pride of the country in the eyes of the world.

As is known, football is the most popular sport in the world so that the country that hosts the World Cup will automatically be highlighted by football fans in the world. This highlight has a good impact on a country such as profit, especially in terms of economy.

It can be ascertained that the country that has been selected to host the World Cup will spend a lot of money to prepare for this sporting event.

In 2014, for example, at that time the Brazilian country hosted the world cup organizers which then spent Rp200 trillion in funds. Such a large fund is used for the construction of stadiums and World Cup infrastructure.

The same thing was done by an superpower, the United States, which hosted the Dnia Cup in 1994. At that time, America spent 500 million US dollars. Meanwhile, Germany, which at that time hosted the funds amounting to 4.3 billion US dollars.

Of course Qatar does not want to be left behind. The Qatari government even built eight stadiums from scratch for the 2022 World Cup. The development reportedly cost 6.5 to 10 billion US dollars.

The amount of long-term and short-term economic benefits is the reason why the Qatari government has the courage to disburse funds of up to billions of US dollars.

In a journal entitled The Socio-Economic Impact of the World Cup on Brazil's Domestic Environment written by Wahid Noor Jayn, it was explained that during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, the profit that was obtained reached Rp49 trillion.

Brazil also received a windfall. In 2014, the profit reached Rp763 trillion.

Football is not just a game and sport, but also a profitable business on a national scale. With the World Cup, the passion for a country's football is expected to rise rapidly. This is able to invite economic benefits because the circulation of money is quite large.

In the short term, the World Cup is able to create jobs for people in a country. That way the wheels of the economy will rotate.

Those are some of the advantages of hosting the World Cup. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.