3 Suspects In The Petamburan Crowd Ask To Be Detained Like Rizieq

JAKARTA - Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) lawyer Aziz Yanuar has asked three suspects for violating the health protocol in Petamburan to be detained, like Rizieq Shihab.

"The three of them asked to be detained. Those who requested and were very prepared to be detained were also subject to the same articles as Habib Rizieq," Aziz told reporters, Sunday, December 13.

Aziz said this request was conveyed directly by the three suspects through their legal team. The reason is that they simply want to get the same treatment as the FPI leader.

"They want to get the perfect injustice as applied to Habib Rizieq. So, their prayers are answered and become a blessing for the world and the hereafter," said Aziz.

Currently, three of the five suspects in the crowd in Petamburan have surrendered to Polda Metro Jaya since early Sunday, December 13.

The three people who surrendered were Haris Ubaidillah as the head of the committee for the Prophet's birthday and wedding in Petamburan, Ali bin Alwi Alatas as the committee secretary, and Idrus as the head of the event section.

"This morning, at around 01.00 WIB, three of the five suspects surrendered to Polda Metro Jaya. The three men and their lawyers came to Polda Metro Jaya," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus.

Meanwhile, two other suspects, FPI Chairperson Shabri Lubis, who is in charge of the event and LPI Commander Maman Suryadi, who is in charge of security, are still waiting to surrender.

"We have an ultimatum, we have given two options. Polda Metro Jaya has given two options, surrender or we will arrest them," he said.

For information, there are six suspects in the crowd case in Petamburan. Rizieq was named a suspect by Polda Metro Jaya under Article 160 of the Criminal Code and Article 216 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, the other five suspects were designated as suspects under Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine.