Change The Poppok Of A Baby How Many Hours? Parents Must Recognize The Right Time

JAKARTA - For too long without being replaced can lead to problems for the health of children, one of which is urinary tract infection. Actually, when do you have to change diapers?

"Change at 1-2 hours for the baby until the age of 1 month. For babies who are older every 3 hours. Sometimes at night they are lazy to replace them with children, don't be," said child specialist dr. Natia Anjasari, SpA from Brawijaya Hospital & Clinic in Jakarta, reported ANTARA.

When the child enters the age of 1 year, it is better to start replacing the dipper with training pants or start teaching children to urinate in the toilet (toilet training) because the urine production is already more.

"Later on, children over the age of 1 year, write more and more, start teaching toilet training, or use training pants, not being screened anymore. So that urine doesn't immediately fall to the floor," said Natia.

Urinary tract infections are sometimes asymptomatic so that parents or children are often not aware. Symptoms such as fever only appear when bacteria have reached the kidneys.

"Most of the urinaries become a medium for bacteria to grow, bacteria enter the urinary tract, urinary, urister, kidney. When it comes to the kidneys, new symptoms of fever appear. Recurrent urinary tract infections can pose a risk to kidney gangals," said Natia.

If the child has a fever, it is better to have a complete blood and urine examination to detect whether or not there is a risk of urinary tract infection.