Kemendag: The G20 Bali Summit Able To Create Many Potential Opportunities And Cooperation For Indonesia

JAKARTA - Director General of International Trade Negotiations of the Ministry of Trade, Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono, explained that the G20 Indonesia Presidency which was successfully held created various opportunities and cooperation.

"The G20 results have created quite a lot of potential cooperation opportunities in various fields and levels," said Djatmiko, quoted from Antara, Friday, November 18.

According to Djatmiko, the G20 resulted in various agreements on initiatives in the food, energy, and health sectors that business actors could follow up on.

"The sector can be followed up by entrepreneurs. Examples are related to the supply chain for wheat and other foodstuffs," said Djatmiko.

In addition, the holding of various supporting events and major G20 events which involve micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is able to open up business opportunities for national business actors.

"Meanwhile, in terms of service trade, it also provides many benefits and opportunities, including for the tourism, digital, and transportation sectors," said Djatmiko.

The Bali Declaration consists of 52 paragraphs. The declaration includes agreeing on a number of important points related to war and handling energy crises.

The G20 Presidency also produces concrete deliverys containing a list of cooperation projects for G20 member countries and invitations, for example, construction of PLTS, EV batteries, construction and revitalization of ports, restoration of coral reefs, renewable energy, blue infrastructure, and so on.

In addition, Indonesia managed to pocket around US$8 billion (equivalent to Rp125 trillion, exchange rate Rp15,600) in the form of investment commitments from this year's G20 Summit series.