The Large Number Of Cafes And Restos In The South Jakarta Region Makes Users Of Car Parking GOODs, Officers Take Action

Joint officers from the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya and the DKI Transportation Service have brought order to illegal vehicle parking on Jalan Senopati and Jalan Gunawarman, South Jakarta.

"The control of illegal parking along Jalan Senopati and Jalan Gunawarman anticipates traffic jams," said TMC Polda Metro Jaya in Jakarta, Thursday night, November 17.

Before carrying out the control, the joint officers held an assembly to prepare for controlling illegal parking along the road which became one of the public's culinary tourism destinations.

In addition, the area is also a place to meet the community, including young people, because there are many restaurants, caffes and street vendors (PKL).

The DKI Transportation Agency has also alerted vehicle crane officers if they find illegal parking motorized vehicles.

Joint officers traveled the area to control illegal parking, which uses many roads or sidewalks, causing traffic jams.

Police officers and the Department of Transportation often control illegal parking at a number of points including Jalan Senopati-Jalan Gunawarman.

Some time ago in six days of operation, officers towed about 43 cars from the area.

These efforts are expected to provide awareness to the public not to park on sidewalks which are pedestrian access or not to park carelessly on the road, causing traffic jams.