Erick Thohir: The Ministry Of BUMN Is Targeting An Independent COVID-19 Vaccine For 75 Million People

JAKARTA - Minister of BUMN and Chairman of the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), Erick Thohir revealed that the Ministry of BUMN is targeted for an independent vaccine program of 75 million people.

"For us, the Ministry of BUMN is targeted for independent vaccines as many as 75 million people. As for the government-assisted vaccines, I am sure the figure will be the same or greater, but of course, let the process be discussed on the government side," said Erick Thohir in an online seminar in Jakarta, as reported Between, Saturday, December 12th.

According to Erick, in the next stages Indonesia will wait for another 1.8 million doses of vaccine in January 2021, then the other 15 million will be used as raw materials to be produced at Bio Farma for January 2021.

He hopes that in January 2021 there will be such things as government-assisted vaccines and independent vaccines, whose numbers from the Ministry of Health will determine the composition of the amount.

"If the task of the Ministry of BUMN is clear, namely independent vaccines for 75 million people," said the BUMN Minister.

In terms of vaccination capacity, the cooperation between BUMN and the private sector is given that the number of private hospitals is far more than BUMN hospitals plus clinics, with together it is estimated that around 13 million are more for vaccinations per month. Meanwhile, the cold chain capacity is around 10.6 million.

"So God willing, if the target is 75 million people for independent vaccination, around the 8th or 9th month of 2021, if vaccination starts in January 2021, it can be accomplished (achieved)," said Erick.

But of course what must be guarded is that things like wrong injection, wrong sending and so on, do not happen, because that is one data program from the beginning. Data from BPJS Kesehatan, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Dukcapil, Kemenkes and so on becomes one data.

This is important so as not to create a gray zone or black market that plays with the price of the COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, the government emphasizes that at an early stage this vaccine must be consolidated.