5 Tips For Sexual Relations To Be More Romantic And Implementing

JAKARTA - Sexual relations are not just about touch or penetration. Many women want a sweet and romantic sex session. Of course, this will have a good impact on the sex life of married couples.

However, how do you do it? Reporting from Fatherly's page, Tuesday, November 15, sex therapist Michelle Herzog shares how to have sex to make it romantic. Come on, just take a look at the following.

Simple actions such as holding hands during sexual intercourse can increase the passion and closeness between partners. You can hold your partner's hand when kissing your whole body. You can also hold your partner's hand when in the spray position or when your partner is on top.

Holding your partner's hand gives them a more intimate and comfortable sensation. While holding your hand, look your partner in the eye to intensify romance. You can see how your partner feels by looking into your eyes. And by looking at your partner's happiness, you can be happy too.

Every now and then look your partner in the eyes during sexual intercourse. This activity is very intimate and also helps you get to know each other. Look into your partner's eyes with a gentle and deep eye for five minutes. Research shows that by looking your partner's eyes for more than five minutes, it is the same as allowing feelings of love to live in the body.

When you see your partner naked, make sure to take the time to admire them. This will make your partner feel highly respected and appreciated. Take the time to touch your partner's whole body, not just the sensitive part. Make your partner feel loved and appreciated in your words and actions. And make sure those words are sincere from within and not made up.

EACH can be done at any time, including during sex. So, give your partner a warm hug if you want to have an emotional and more intimate sex.

That is, do foreplay for a longer time. Because foreplay aims to increase intimacy even before sexual penetration begins. Do foreplay at least 15 minutes before starting the sex session.