PDIP's Belief There Is A Hidden Intention Of Anies Who Met Gibran In Solo: He Doesn't Have Any Performance

JAKARTA - According to the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Anies Baswedan's meeting with Gibran Rakabuming is one way to make the NasDem presidential candidate known to the public.

"That's part of Anies' way, continuous steps to be better known to the public," said PDIP DPP chairman Said Abdullah at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 15. "Remember, if he is a muji Gibran, there must be shrimp behind the stone. Because Anies doesn't have performance," he said.

Earlier, in this morning's meeting, NasDem Baswedan praised Solo City for being more orderly and neat under the leadership of Mayor Gibran Rakabuming. He also hopes that Solo can continue to progress and develop.

"This morning I am happy to be able to stay in touch with the mayor. Thank God I saw Solo neat, clean, orderly," said Anies.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta also admitted that he shared his experience with Gibran in leading an area. It is also discussed about the management of public transportation and it is hoped that what has been implemented in Jakarta can be useful for Solo.

"We share experiences, both of them have been tasked with managing a city. In Jakarta, even though it is called a governor, it is also a city but big. It is the same with Solo," said Anies.

Regarding politics, Anies admitted that there was no special discussion with Gibran. Including if it is possible for Gibran to advance to the DKI Jakarta Pilgub, according to Anies, that is the right of Jokowi's son.

"He (Gibran) knows best, but basically I'm happy that Mas Gibran Solo is progressing, developing, and I like him myself because Mas Gibran reaches all of them. Everyone is called, friendship to everyone. If I say his mainstay is his assor. That is one of the good properties that is an example," he said.