Bareskrim Calls 4 BPOM Officials On Drug Control But Only Two Are Present

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police summoned four officials from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to be questioned as witnesses in the investigation of cases of acute kidney failure in children. However, only two people have fulfilled the summons for the examination.

"Yes, we asked 4 people, only 2 people came," said the Director of Certain Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Pipit Rismanto when contacted, Saturday, November 12.

Those who have fulfilled the summons for examination are said to have served in the Supervision Division and the Mutu Sector. However, they did not specify their identities. Both were questioned on Friday, November 11, yesterday.

"Examination as a witness. Around this case, there is a matter of supervision," said Pipit.

Meanwhile, the other two people who are not present will be rescheduled. The plan, they will be examined next week.

"Maybe next week," said Pipit.

Previously, it was reported that Bareskrim Polri would immediately examine a number of BPOM officials related to alleged criminal acts in cases of acute kidney failure. A letter of invitation for clarification has also been sent.

"We have coordinated and are just waiting for the answer time from some of the officials in charge to be ready to provide clarification," said Pipit.

The examination was carried out to explore the element of negligence in supervision behind the circulation of typhoid drugs containing ethilen glycol (EG) and dietilen glycol (DEG) exceeding the threshold. Later, BPOM and the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) will be clarified.

"Yes, not only BPOM, definitely everything starts not only medicine but raw materials," said Pipit.

The deepening of BPOM was carried out because the institution has the authority in the field of supervision. This is to ensure that there is no element of negligence on the supervisory side that has an impact on the circulation of blockery drugs that are strongly suspected to cause acute kidney failure.

"Because it must be seen whether there will be negligence or intentional, we have to investigate, we have to be careful," he said.