Twitter Ended Bangkrut! Here's Musk's Response

YOGYAKARTA - Twitter Inc's new owner Elon Musk on Thursday raised the possibility of Twitter's social media platform being in danger of going bankrupt, closing a chaotic day that includes warnings from US privacy regulators and the exit of company trust and safety leaders.

Billionaires on its first mass call with employees said he could not rule out bankruptcy, Bloomberg News reported, two weeks after buying it for $44 billion - a deal credit experts say Twitter's finances have put it in a precarious position.

Earlier that day, in its first email across the company, Musk warned that Twitter would not be able to "resist from the upcoming economic downturn" if it failed to increase subscription revenues to offset the decline in advertising revenue, three people who had seen the message said Reuters.

Roth, who has overseen Twitter's response to combat hate speech, misinformation and spam at the service, stepped down on Thursday, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

In her Twitter profile on Thursday, Roth describes herself as "Former Head of Trust & Security" at the company.

Roth did not respond to a request for comment. Bloomberg and the platformer technology site reported his departure in advance.

Earlier on Thursday, Twitter Information Security Chief Lea Kissner tweeted that she had quit.

Chief Privacy Officerrudian Kieran dan Chief Compliance Officerekman Fogarty juga mengundurkan diri, menurut pesan internal yang diposting ke sistem pesan Slack Twitter pada hari Kamis oleh seorang pengacara di tim privasinya dan dilihat oleh Reuters.

Robin Wheeler, the company's top ad sales executive, told employees in a memo that he lives in the company, someone who had seen the message said it deviated from previous media reports that he would also be leaving.

"I'm still here," Wheeler tweeted late Thursday.

The US Federal Trade Commission said it was watching Twitter with "deep concern" after three privacy and compliance officers stopped. This resignation has the potential to put Twitter at risk of violating regulatory orders.

Musk's lawyer, Alex Spiro, told several employees by email late Thursday that Twitter would still comply.

"We spoke with the FTC today about our ongoing obligations and carrying out a sustainable constructive dialogue," wrote Spiro.

He stated that only Twitter, not individual employees, could be held accountable for the order.

"I understand that there are employees on Twitter who don't even work on the FTC issue who comment that they can go to prison if we don't comply - that's not how it works," he wrote.

In his first meeting with many employees on Twitter on Thursday afternoon, Musk warned that the company may lose billions of dollars next year, Information reported.

Musk added in an email to workers that remote work is no longer permitted and they are expected to be in the office for at least 40 hours per week.

Twitter, Musk, and Spiro did not respond to requests for comment on potential bankruptcy, FTC warnings, or departures.

Musk viciously moved to a clean house after taking over on October 27 and said the company lost more than $4 million a day, mostly as advertisers began fleeing once he took over.

Twitter has a debt of 13 billion US dollars after the deal and faces a total interest payment of nearly 1.2 billion US dollars in the next 12 months. Payments exceeded Twitter's recently disclosed cash flow, which amounted to $1.1 billion at the end of June.

Musk has started billing $8 per month for Twitter Blue services which will include blue tick verification.

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