Assertive! Ukraine Says Dialogue With Russia Can Continue After Moscow Leaves Occupied Territories

JAKARTA - Ukraine doubled down on its tough stance on negotiations with Russia on Tuesday, saying talks can only resume after the Kremlin relinquishes all of Ukraine's territory, ensuring Kyiv will continue to fight even if "stabbed in the back" by its allies.

The remarks came days after US media reports Washington had pushed Kyiv to signal a willingness to engage in talks, and appeared aimed at resisting such pressure, at a time when US midterm elections could test Western support for Ukraine.

In a speech last night before addressing world leaders at the Climate Summit, President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia should be pushed into 'authentic' negotiations.

President Zelensky said Ukraine had repeatedly proposed such talks. However, "we always receive Russia's crazy response with new terrorist attacks, shootings or extortion".

"Once again, restoration of territorial integrity, respect for the United Nations Charter, compensation for all damage caused by war, punishment for any war criminals, and assurances that this will not happen again. These are completely understandable conditions," he said.

Since Russia announced its annexation of Ukrainian territory in late September, President Zelensky has decided Kyiv will never negotiate with Moscow, as long as Vladimir Putin remains Russia's president.

Kyiv officials have repeated that position in recent days, saying they would be willing to negotiate with Putin's future successor.

"Negotiating with Putin means giving up, and we will never give him this gift," adviser to Ukrainian President Mykhailo Podolyak said in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica published on Tuesday.

The dialogue will be possible only after Russian troops leave Ukrainian territory, Podolyak said.

"We have no choice. The Russians have invaded us with a car crematorium and half a million body bags. If we stop defending ourselves, we won't exist anymore. Literally. Physically. We will continue to fight, even if we are stabbed in the back." he insisted.

Meanwhile, Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of the Security Council of Ukraine, also tweeted that restoring Ukraine's borders is a prerequisite for talks, and Kyiv needs "guarantees" of modern air defenses, aircraft, tanks, and long-range missiles.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Monday reiterated Moscow's position that it was open to talks but Kyiv rejected it.

Moscow has repeatedly said it will not negotiate over the territory it claims has been annexed from Ukraine.