Jamin Wage Minimum 2023 Tingkat Lebih Tinggi, Menaker Ida Cari Kata Menyapat Dari Entrepreneurs Dan Pekerja

JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah ensures that the minimum wage in 2023 will experience a higher increase compared to 2022. This refers to Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and Government Regulation (PP) Number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages. Ida said, the minimum wage next year will be calculated using a formula that contains economic growth and inflation variables. The two indicators rose significantly this year compared to 2021. "Basically, it can be seen that the minimum wage of 2023 will be relatively higher than the minimum wage of 2022 with data on economic growth and inflation," said Ida in a working meeting with Commission IX of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 8. This minimum wage determination includes the provincial minimum wage (UMP) and district/city minimum wage (UMK), by using a formula of 20 types of data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) then submitted to the Ministry of Manpower. Employers and Workers Still Different Opinions The words of Ida, although it is certain that the minimum wage of 2023 will increase, but the Ministry of Manpower continues to make a number of preparations before stipulation. Among them by absorbing aspirations from the wage council, employers, and workers. "In the determination of the minimum wage, it has been carried out to absorb aspirations in accordance with PP 36 of 2021," said Ida. As a result, between workers and employers, there is still not a good agreement regarding the basis for the minimum wage calculation regulated in PP 36 of 2021. For example, the wage board proposes that the UMP be set by the central government. "Then the drinking wages with PP 36/2021 basis are considered unfair. The next input is a need legal certainty on the 2022 minimum wage lawsuit in several regions," he said.

Meanwhile, from the elements of entrepreneurs represented by APINDO and KADIN, said Ida, they considered that PP 36 of 2021 was more realistic for the calculation of the 2023 minimum wage. On that basis, entrepreneurs requested that the determination of the 2023 minimum wage be determined in accordance with the provisions of PP 36 of 2021. "Then the determination of the minimum wage in 2023 still refers to PP 36/2021. Then PP 36/2021 must be carried out before there are other changes," he said. Meanwhile, the aspirations of the workers absorbed by the Ministry of Manpower, said Ida, actually contradict the aspirations of the entrepreneurs. "On the other hand, we also received input from workers or laborers. Reciprocally, of course, what was conveyed by APINDO and KADIN friends," he explained. Ida said, these workers or laborers assessed that PP No. 36 of 2021 could not be the basis for the calculation of wages as stated by the employers. "They said that, PP 36/2021 cannot be the basis for determining the minimum wage," he said. In addition, continued Ida, workers also requested that the formulation of the determination of the minimum wage based on PP 36 of 2021 needs to be reviewed and opened a joint dialogue space. "The next step is to be encouraged to implement wages outside the minimum wage, namely decent wages such as the structure of the wage scale scale," he said.