Become A National Hero, Who Is HR Suharto? This Is His Biodata And Services For Indonesia

YOGYAKARTA A total of five figures have been named National Heroes, one of which is HR Suharto. Then, who is HR Suharto who was named the National Hero of Indonesia?

As is known, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) awarded the title of National Pahlawa to five figures. The award was held at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Monday, November 7. The embedding itself is carried out through Presidential Decree Number 96 TK in 2022.

Of the five figures who have established themselves as National Heroes, one of them is Haji Raden Suharto Sastrosoeyoso or HR Suharto.

HR Suharto is a doctor who is also close to President Soekarno. He was born on December 24, 1908 in Tegalgondo Village, Klaten, Central Java. he is the youngest of five children.

HR Soeharto's parents background is pamongpraja. Quoted from, dr. Suharto then married Mrs. Sinta Kaliente, who at that time was known as a writer and teacher. From this marriage, HR Seoharto was blessed with six children.

In studying in medicine, HR Suharto relied on scholarships to successfully graduate from Doterans education on May 25, 1935 in Jakarta. After that he won the title of director in tahuhn 1937 from Faculteit Medica Bataviensis. At that time he received a lot of attention from the public to the press.

HR Suharto had opened a maternity clinic in 1937-1942. At that time his clinic was in Keramat 128.

As a doctor, HR Suharto in the past helped heal fighters and soldiers who were injured in the war against the Dutch and Japan. Not only that, HR Suharto also became Soekarno's personal doctor from 1942 to 1945. Their meeting took place at the time of Ratna's birth, Soekarno's adopted son.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD explained that DR. dr. H. R. Soeharto was the doctor who accompanied Soekarno, Radjiman Wedyodiningrat, and Mohammad Hatta to Prayer, Vietnam. At that time, a group from Indonesia wanted to seek certainty about Indonesia's independence.

After Indonesia received certainty of independence, HR Suharto was trusted by President Soekarno to join the government. He even served as Minister of Trade, Minister of Industry, and Head of Bappenas in Soekarno Cabinet.

Of the many positions held, one of HR Soeharto's services is to be a activist in the Family Planning (KB) movement in Indonesia.

After Indonesia's independence, at that time the gestation and birth rate in Indonesia was getting higher. Unfortunately, this is not balanced with adequate access to health and lack of health knowledge in the community. This condition led to an increase in maternal and infant mortality rates.

Responding to this phenomenon, in 1953, a group of health workers began to initiate the Family Planning (KB) program. One of the initiators is HR Suharto who also contributed to the formation of PKBI or the Indonesian Family Planning Association.

Not only that, HR Suharto was also one of the initiators of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) which was established on October 24, 1950. Quoted from, said Ikatan itself was proposed directly by HR Suharto.

HR Suharto himself died in 2000. In his hometown, the name DR. R Suharto was immortalized as the name of the street on the Gebyok-Jimbung section. In addition, IDI immortalized the name of Dr. R. Suharto as the name of the IDI building.

Apart from who HR Suharto is, get other interesting information on VOI.ID.