Home > news Vice President Maruf Amin Zirah Tomb Sheikh Ibnu Athaillah In Cairo Egypt 05 November 2022, 21:16 Vice President Maruf Amin during a pilgrimage to the Tomb of Sheikh Ibnu Athaillah, author of Al Hikam, during a working visit in Cairo, Egypt, Saturday (5/11/2022). BETWEEN/HO-BPMI Setwapres Tag: nusantara wapres maruf amin maruf amin mesir Related News : | NEWS Diving Under Boat, Singapore Girl Dies Dragged By Baling-baling In Maldives | NEWS France's Strongest Nuclear Reactor In Normandy Finally Operates | NEWS Tulungagung LP Officers Thwart Methamphetamine Smuggling Hidden In Hijab | NEWS Thick Ash Soars As High As 2000 Meters From Mother's Mountain Activities In West Halmahera | NEWS Tells The Crimean War, Putin Says He's Ready To Normalize Relations With The US-West | LIFESTYLE 10 Somatic Therapy Methods That Help Overcome Stress And Anxiety