Flood Surut, Southern Path Of Central Java In Sidareja Can Be Passed

JATENG - The Central Java (Central Java) Cross Road (JLS) for the Sidareja-Pangandaran national road can be passed by vehicles on Thursday 27 October.

The Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cilacap Regency, Wijonardi, said that the floods that had submerged the area had slowly receded since last night.

"Alhamdulillah, the inundation has receded since last night, so that the traffic flow on the Sidareja-Pangandaran section this morning has returned to normal," he said in Cilacap, quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 27.

He said the flood inundation that had occurred since Wednesday, October 26 at 10.30 WIB did not enter the settlements of residents of Cinyawang Village, Patimuan District, Cilacap. BPBD, he said, had anticipated it by stemming the water that inundated the road using piles of plastic sacks filled with sand.

Thus, he said, no houses were affected by the flood.

"Because the inundation has receded, we will withdraw the rubber boat that was alerted at the scene," said Head of UPT BPBD Sidareja Region Agus Sudaryanto added.

The flood that inundated the Sidareja-Pangandaran national road was triggered by heavy rains that occurred from Tuesday, October 25 evening to Wednesday, October 26 in the morning, so that water from the Citanduy tributary ran over the road around the Pempah Bridge.

Because the road is located in a basin area, the height of the puddle reaches the range of 100-200 centimeters with a inundation length of 100 meters, so it cannot be passed by vehicles.

Thus, traffic flows from the direction of Pangandaran, West Java, which want to go to Cilacap and vice versa are diverted through the Pangandaran-Banjar national road and a number of other alternative routes.